
Project Planet

#1 for meetings and events in the world — event mb
top five historic venues to explore — in the world —

We are part of the solution >

The Mansion strives to have a long-lasting, positive influence on the world around us, the community we live in, the people we employ, and those who visit. To that end we invite employees and guests to come together for the common goal of protecting and preserving our planet.

The Mansion extends its sustainability practices through the entire fabric of our offerings including fine dining. You can be confident your meal has been created with the utmost attention to the environment. For 40+ years we have engaged in sustainable practices that conserve natural resources, reduce our impact on the environment — and promote wellness.

  • We focus on green dining
    • we Use organic fresh food                                           
    • we limit disposable products
    • we don't use styrofoam or plastic
    • we use compostable everything
    • we source sustainable food
    • we create organic, environment friendly cleaners
    • steel & ceramic reusable straws
  • We embrace sustainable living
    • we recycle
    • we utilize ENERGY STAR® appliances
    • we encourage telecommuting
    • we deployed a recyling trash compactor
    • we encourage guests to turn out their lights
    • we have chemical free fountains & pool
    • we are paperless wherever possible; optimizing printed matter for low ink usage; recycling ink/toner cartridges
    • we comply with the most advanced environmental laws
    • we decrease energy use
    • we encourage reuse programs
    • We use LED lighting
    • we do not supply hair dryers (major energy guzzlers!)
    • using toilet paper made from recycled paper, unbleached and septic-safe
    • unplugging "energy vampires" when not in use (learn more)

reviewsread more >

I found many doors but not enough to be crowned the Grand DoorMaster of the O Manor. I will return someday and find the Door to the Infinite Childhood, the Gate of the 37 Eyes, the Gateway at the Start of the Nightmares, and the Exit Through the Gifted Shoppe.Beware! The person at the bar serves healthy pours.

— Hctor Gonzlez Hernndez
Local Business Enterprise
Small Business Enterprise
Our Certifications
CBENumber: LSZR30942082022
Development Zone Enterprise
Resident Owned Business