
Privacy Policy

#1 for meetings and events in the world — event mb
top five historic venues to explore — in the world —

Mansion Privacy Policy >

We take your security, health, and privacy very seriously at The Mansion, with a strict, no-tolerance policy of never sharing your personal information — even your name — with anyone, before, during or after your event, hotel stay and/or retreat. In addition, no one has access to The Mansion, without a prearranged meeting/visit.

simply put, no one can reach you when you are here, unless they have a password (or your mobile information).

If anyone comes to the door or calls for a guest, member, or employee, and they do not have the password, they will be told — There is no one here by that name — or — There is no group here by that name. — No exceptions. What happens at The Mansion stays at The Mansion.

Did you know?
the mansion has been featured in some of the worlds most prestigious travel and bridal magazines

This is part of our core philosophy and a key reason why the Mansion continues to be a preferred venue for our hotel guests, and for so many private and corporate clients over the years.

Everything is Possible. Dare to be Different. >

reviewsread more >

I had such a fun time exploring the mansion and learning about its history. I've lived in DC for three years and wish I'd gone sooner. You could easily spend two to three hours visiting and still not find all the secret doors. Great for group events and solo excursions any time of year. The staff was also very friendly and helpful. 10/10 recommend.

— Samantha
Local Business Enterprise
Small Business Enterprise
Our Certifications
CBENumber: LSZR30942082022
Development Zone Enterprise
Resident Owned Business