

#1 for meetings and events in the world — event mb
top five historic venues to explore — in the world —

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Amazing and magical

— Francine Groenhuijsen - San Francisco, CA

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Amazing place. Highly recommend.

— Taylor Hawkins

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Hard to think of a more fun and meaningful way to spend the day in DC! Rich in history, heart, and intrigue. Whole family had a wonderful time. Ted and his crew were kind, generous, and knowledgeable. Visited by many US presidents. Blessed to find 18 of 85 secret doors (average is 2-4) and see most of the mansion. Imagine exploring the largest escape room ever, filled with genuine treasures and history of the arts and humanities. Impossible to find everything, yet everyone learns and wins. Well worth the time and money. Would go back in a heartbeat

— Ryan Mustered - US

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Very cool. Can go through multiple times and still find something new

— Emily Mendola
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